Coming up next: Short film “Treffit”

We had talked about working together with director Joonas Rutanen for a long time, so when his short film titled “Treffit” got green light last month, it was a great call for me. The film is produced by Kaarle Aho from Making Movies and it’s scheduled to be shot later this month.

Although we are going to shoot the film on Arri Alexa, I had a chance to shoot short tests with Ikonoskop A-Cam dll 2K digital camera as we were scouting the locations few weeks back. Here’s only one frame grab from the graded footage, but have to say I love the tones it created. The major problem was clipping highlights that caused some nasty looking edges and when planning to rely on existing light fixtures, I thought it would be best to shoot with an Alexa.

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